The pressure is overwhelming to find leaders who have the skills and experience necessary to succeed, are able to define and advance corporate strategy, and simply fit in with the organizational culture. Our Executive Search services identify and attract these unique leaders, determine ideal organizational fit, and build appropriate frameworks for compensation and retention.

Whatever your leadership needs, our time-tested and innovative approach lets clients maximize resources, confidently activate their leadership strategy, and attract the leaders who can release the organization’s full potential!

Here’s how we do it at GigHires



     Establish a Foundation

  • Listen/Assess Situation
  • Establish Search Strategy
  • Mutually Create a Scorecard

     Discover Prospects

  • Develop Customized Research
  • Persuade Targeted Prospects
  • Rigorous Candidate Evaluation

     Identify Top Candidates

  • Hands-on Client Management
  • Expert Advice
  • Secure Impactful Hire
